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regard to bamboo and snail

23 16:55:33

I have just bought a small bamboo for the aquarium
But i just read from websites that these bamboo are not water plants and will die in few month. is this true?

Also i have a mysterius snail. Are snails good for the aquarium? it seems they eat algae and harmless to the aquarium.  

Hey Woojae,

I don't know what website you went to, but it's wrong. A piece of bamboo seated in the gravel will eventually grow up and out of the tank! If you keep good lighting, and have a fair fish supply, the plant will get enough nutrient from their waste, and energy from the light to grow quite well. Bamboo requires, even, a large supply of moisture and does perfectly fine in large amounts of water. My friend has bamboo in his ponds, and a guppy tank. Indoor, or outdoor, bamboo grows quite well.

Mystery snails, with all snails, seem to magically multiply. I have some common snails i keep in my tank. I started with just one, and within a month i have well over 50. As long as you don't have a loach big enough to eat the snail, you'll be fine. Loaches snack on snails! If you really like your snail, but don't want an infestation, a small yo-yo loach, or clown loach would be a pretty addition, and baby snail eater. Other then mass multiplication, snails are very beneficial to aquariums, and can be added to just about any fresh water tank. However, if you keep your tank a bit salty, a word of warning, snails thrive only in low salt tanks. I keep mine at around 1.010 on a hydrometer. Anything past that, and your snail will suffer.

Best of luck! and feel free ask again.