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Betta fish bowl question

25 9:17:42

I just got a fish bowl, about 1.5 gallons and I got a little Betta for it.  I just wanted to make sure that it would be ok without a filter as long as I change the water once a week and if I could put other fish in there with him even though there is no filter. Also, this is probably a stupid question, but I just wanted to make sure that it's ok that there is no top on my fish bowl....they can't jump out can they?  Thanks so much!

Hi Nicole;

Bettas are fine without a filter. They have a special way of breathing so they don't need water circulation to get oxygen like other fish do. They just need warmth. If your room temperature is ever below 76f, he needs a source of heat. A desk lamp works pretty well. Bettas like anywhere from 76 to 85 degrees. They are tropical fish.

A 1.5 gallon is only big enough for one betta, even if it did have a filter. To have a friend or two with him you would need at least a 5 gallon with a filter and a heater. A Cory cat and an Otocinclus for algae, OR a couple of platies, OR a couple of neon tetras would be okay in a five gallon. All community tanks with small fish like these should have no more than one inch of fish per gallon. They are usually all young when you buy them so you have to find out how big each fish gets as adults to calculate the proper size.

Bettas can jump out if there is no lid. A piece of lightweight cloth or cheesecloth laid across the top and a rubberband, string or ribbon around the rim will hold it on. It will still allow oxygen to get in but keep him in too. Without a rubberband or something to hold it on it can droop down into the water from evaporation making it damp.

Once a week changes are great. Just be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water, and use water conditioner. Tap water is fine. Don't let the fish store fool you into thinking that you have to use bottled water. It is only an extra expense and totally unnecessary. Especially don't use distilled water. It lacks important minerals your fish needs.

Here are some web pages with more about your new little friend;

Have Fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins