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compatibility of fishes

23 16:48:08

hi. i have red tiger oscar, red belly paku and blood parrot in my 160 ltrs tank.which of these can go along.

Hi Arvind
Well, I would definitely get rid of the pacu.  I just mentioned to someone else, they really shouldn't be sold as aquarium fish, one alone needs at least a 570 L tank(150 US gallons).  They get so huge!!

Now, generally it's recommended for oscars to have a minimum of a 210 L (55 US gallons) tank, they also grow quite large, mine was about 14 inches.  They're also quite messy eaters, and the nitrates in their tank usually goes high which makes them prone to hole in the head disease.  So the larger the tank for them, the better for them and easier to maintain a good water quality for them.  The parrot would be fine in that size tank though.  Parrots and oscars generally get along ok, mine did anyway.  Really depends on both fish's personalities.  I've heard of some aggressive parrot fish that dominated their tanks, and I've heard the same with oscars.  Oscars really aren't that aggressive, they just get a bad rap because they eat anything that can fit into it's mouth :)  

Hope that helps and good luck!!
