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Lava rock/ glass media

23 16:23:52

Hi there,

Last time you told me that I can use glass media and lava rock instead of carbon in my filter. Where do I get glass media? Also, what kind of lava rock works? Also, someone told me that carbon takes out ammonia, bacteria, and methane. Judging from your last answer, I am thinking that this isn't the case. Can you tell me why this isn't the case? I want to change to using lava or glass media, but I want to be very sure that the change won't kill my fish.


glass media can be bought at any petshop, its the nodules that are used in canniser filters, ehiems, fluvals,they use ceramic, same difference, does the same thing.It is a growing media for biological organizims....
The same lava rock you would use in your BBQ grill would be fine, it does the same thing as the media.
carbon does not take out ammonia, Zeolite will do that.
carbon does not take out bacteria, they grown on its surface the same as the media, ceramic or filter plates.
Methane as a gas caused by dead zones in the gravel will not be removed by carbon.
free methane as a gas is expelled at the surface. Carbon will not filter that out.
Carbon will filter out medication, coloring, smell, etc...
It is this way because those are the properties of carbon, the same reason the blue whale the largest mammal ever has a throat the size of a silver dollar...its that way because thats the way it is...
It wont kill your fish to change, and if it makes you more comfortable you can continue the carbon as well it won;t hurt anything.
let me know how it works out.