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goldfish lice

23 15:55:41

i had noticed one or two lice on my Orandas.I pulled them off and disposed of them.I salt my tank which is a 60gal.and i have a 60gal filter and a 30gal filter.These lice have seemed to multiply and i cant seem to stop them.I bought some Tank Buddies effervescent tablets,they say they take care of lice,its only the second day since i began the treatment.Is there anything else you might suggest,does that medication actually work?Thank you.

Hi Scott;

Those little critters can be very difficult to eradicate but I have heard of very good results from experts using "Tank Buddies Parasite Clear". It does take time to work though. Don't use anything else with it because the types of chemicals that affect parasites like these can be toxic. You have to treat once a week for up to five weeks. Their life cycle can last up to 30 days so that it hits each bug at a vulnerable stage. It doesn't affect eggs. So, even as many of the adult lice are killed, more are going to hatch from eggs in the tank that were laid all at different times. Hitting them once a week will hopefully eventually break the cycle and kill them all.

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins