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can I keep this fish with that?

23 16:52:39

QUESTION: Can I keep neon tectras with guppies? I'm not too sure becasue the neon needs dh to 10 while guppies need it to 30 and they need differnt ph too. And will they live peacefully together and will the neons bite and nip the guppies' tails? cause I know a lot of fish do. Thanks!
ANSWER: Hi 'call me anything' haha,
Guppies like hard, alikaline water, and Tetras need soft, acidic water, so they don't mix well water-wise, and, you are correct, the neons would probably nip/chase or harass the Guppies.
So no, I wouldn't really keep them together.
If you have any more questions, fire away!
Best wishes,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well then, what would you recommand for me to keep with guppies or neon tetras cause I want to keep one of the types but don't know what fish can live with them peacefully. If possible, suggest ones that are pretty and won't be too hard to keep! Thanks again!


Do you have a pH test kit? I recommend you buy one if you do not.
The pH of your water makes a big difference to the types of fish you can keep. You also need to know the volume of your tank. I will put the minimum tank size of each fish I suggest in brackets beside it.
If you have water with a pH above 7.0,
With guppies, (30 litres) you can have Mollies (80 litres), Platies (50 litres) Endlers (40 litres), Swordtails (60 litres) Guppies do not mind a slightly lower pH, as low as 6.8, which means there is not too much of a problem with keeping them with some acidic liking fish. Never keep them with male Bettas, as the Betta will kill the Guppies. The same goes for Cichlids.

With Neon Tetras (50 litres) you can have any other Tetras, such as Black Phantom Tetras, Red Phantom Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Lemon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras or Rosy Tetras. (all 50 litres). Tetras need to be in groups of 6 or more.
Corydoras are also good small hardy fish. Some smaller varieties such as Peppered, Panda, Bronze or Albino need 45 litres, the larger varieties need around 80 litres.

I hope this has given you a little information.
Again, if you have more questions, please ask.
Best of luck,