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White Fuzzy Cloud Fungus in Tank from Overfeeding

23 16:22:45

Hi Chris!  I read your answer to someone else regarding their fish tank having white cloud fuzzy fungus growing from over-feeding their fish.  This is what has happened to me and unfortunately, my female Jack Dempsey has gotten quite sick because of it.  She has had this before and I didn't know exactly what was wrong but she did survive and healed completely. This amazed me because I thought surely I was going to lose her. Her scales fell off on her sides. I just moved her 5 days ago into a 100 gallon tank from a 30 gallon tank. We moved homes so it was the perfect time to set up the new tank. Unfortunately, I overfed them and we saw this white fuzzy cloudy material surrounding the left over food at the bottom of the tank and it grew very rapidly in one day. We cleaned the tank and I will continue cleaning daily until it's perfect. I'm moving my fish into a hospital tank and will treat her. So far I've used MelaFix but I was wondering what else I should use. Tetracycline or Maracyn Two? What suggestions do you have on treating her?

Hi Samantha;

You've really done your homework on this one. That's terrific! You are doing great with cleaning so keep up with that too, even in the hospital tank. For medication on the sick fish Tetracycline would be okay and it is probably less expensive to find a generic form of it or a less expensive brand name. You can also add aquarium salt and keep using the melafix too.

I hope your fish feels better very soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins