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New Aquarium and adding fish

25 9:17:33

My husband and I purchased a small 2 gallon starter aquarium for my daugter for xmas. We  had no idea at the extent of fish keeping until i visited the pet store. I then returned the starter tank as it was nothing close to what we would be needing and purchased a 20gallon aquarium with pump, heater, chemicals and such. Set it up and added the chemicals as intrucuted by the pet store. 3 days later we went back and purchsed a small quantity of fish. 3 Zebra Danios and 2 Lemon Tetra, as through searching on the net they suggested these to be good starter fish. Anyway we have had the fish for a week now and the aquarium is now mine, I absouloutely am loving it, and the only one caring for them. However, the fish seem extremely healthy, active. Problem is my aquarium came with notches cut out of the cover and one was un needed, and i guess when i was out a fish some how jumped out, sounds strange i know but no one was home and lid was shut. It was one of the tetras so the other is all alone, and not going near the danios, and i am afraid it is going to die.  I was told not to add more fish for a couple weeks but really want to get one for the Lemon tetra.  Is this safe? As well, i understand i am to do the 30% water change and have a gravel hose thingy to do such but am unsure about when i am to add these chemicals that came with my aquarium after doing the change, they are Aqua Plus, Waste control, and cycle. I also have one that i assumed was an all in one...called Ultimate. Please help as i dont want to bugger this up and i am completely new at this. Thank you for any help.

Hi Shar;

I am so glad to hear from you before you put fish in the little tank! A 20 gallon is a wonderful starter size for new hobbyists. There is much more time to correct a problem in a tank that size than in a tiny one. Anyway, you probably already knew all that but I'm just so excited about what you are doing! It really is refreshing.....

Yep, fish do jump out. Wipe around the slot to dry it and apply some adhesive tape to close it off. It would be fine NOT to add a new fish for the lone tetra. He will be a bit shy for awhile but he will not die from being alone. Toxins are building up right now because it is a new tank and more fish just adds to that. Fish sometimes jump out because the toxins are getting high enough that it makes them itch and feel burning in their eyes, skin and gills. Make a partial water change but don't vacuum the gravel until the tank is fully broken in. Break-in takes 6 to 8 weeks after the first fish is added.

To change water, siphon out 25% of the water. Leave the fish in the tank. It is much more stressful to remove them. They will find a place to hide for a few minutes while you do the job. Be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water to help prevent shock. Before you put the new water in, add a dose of water conditioner for the full 20 gallons. If you only add it for the replaced water it will not be concentrated enough to give them adequate stress protection and may not remove the chlorine/chloramine. Use either the AquaPlus or the Ultimate. Don't use both at the same time. They do exactly the same thing. Use one bottle until it's gone and then start on the other one.

You can use the waste control and the cycle, but in my experience they do nothing. They are supposed to add "enzymes" or boost the bacteria colonies but these enzymes and bacteria cannot live in a bottle or package on a shelf. The only product of this type that I know works is called "Bio-Spira". It is kept refrigerated because it is perishable. So, basically you can use the waste control and cycle just because you don't want to throw them away in case I'm wrong, it certainly isn't going to hurt. Or, just forget it and use only one water conditioner. Your tank just doesn't need all that junk. It just takes money from your pocket.

Here is a link to my article on new tanks to help you know more about the whole crazy break-in process;

Keep up the good work and let me know if you have more questions.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins