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new fish owner, 2 goldfish

23 16:38:32

last week i got 2 gold fish, one calico telescope and one smaller black moor. they're together in a 10 gallon tank with a couple live plants. i feed them twice a day. i've got a filter hooked up and a air stone.
i hope im not doing anything wrong.

my black moor (romeo) is almost aggressive? towards the calico (juliet). (i am clueless to the actual sex of the fish).

he chases her around the tank pushing his head between the rear fins. she's larger and fatter so she doesnt swim as fast as him. i thought he was biting her but there arent any chunks missing. i dont want her to be bullied. any suggestions?

also, the calico seems to have white film on the actual eye. just on the edges though. she was like this when i got her, but it may have gotten worse, its hard to tell.
do you think its a infection?  

A black moor should have at least 10 gallons of water for it's self so you may have to expand your tank but for now its fine. This could be a way of mateing. Your calico must be a girl depending on her stomach. There isn't really anything to do eventually your calico might release her eggs do to the mateing. Its nothing to be worried about. Your fish may get a torn fin a little bit because the moor chases her but its nothing to worry about her fins grow back. About her eye it could be popeye. I can't diagnose it very well unless i see it. Is it possible to show me a picture. My e-mail is if you can't show me the picture through this website.