Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > popeyes of platy

popeyes of platy

23 15:26:36

I have notice my orange platy with pop eyes tonight.She is looking well and also eating and swimming well but her eyes makes me very worry.I don't have any other tank to make her isolate please help me I live in Pakistan...
Is it lethal?I am a fish lover and very worried about my fish!

ANSWER: Arsalan,
Since you have caught it early, try adding aquarium salt to the water. Also, make sure you are doing weekly water changes. The ratio is 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 gallon of water. If you have a larger tank it is 1 tablespoon salt to 5 gallons of water. I would try this for a few days and see if it helps. If the Popeye gets worse, let me know.

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QUESTION: yes they are getting worse now );
last night I had tried aquarium salt and anti bacterial capsules!
but no change!

ANSWER: Arsalan,
Because you typically don't know the cause of popeye, the best treatment is to do a partial water change (20-25 %). Do this as your very first step. If there are toxins in the water they will then be diluted after the water change.
If your fish is still eating you can also try feeding him or her antibacterial fish food. In fact, this is probably the best option to try first before treating the entire tank. It is also a good idea to put the affected fish in it's own tank if possible. Sometimes tankmates will bully an ill fish because it can't defend itself. Also by putting the ill fish in its own tank you don't have to treat the entire tank, only the sick tank. This will also help to keep any disease the fish may have from spreading to the rest of your fish.
Next, treat the water with Maracyn and Maracyn-Two for 5-7 days in case the cause of the popeye is bacterial. Popeye is sometimes caused by the Aeromonas bacterium. The reason Maracyn and Maracyn-Two are suggested is because they are antibiotics.
After treating the fish the best way you can (with a partial water change, antibiotics, and possibly some aquarium salt in the water) all you can really do is wait and see and hope the fish recovers. If the fish is having endocrine problems, treatment with water changes and antibiotics will not be effective. If the problem is viral, antibiotics will also not be effective. Continue to use the aquarium salt with any medication you use. Remember, salt does not evaporate so when you are done using it, you need to start removing it from the water by doing 25% water changes every other day until the salt is gone.

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QUESTION: I had noticed that my another orange platy is also getting her eyes pop,then i had decided to treat all fishes in a single tank!Firstly I changed 50% water then I had added 1 1/2 tablespoon to 6 gallons water along with antibiotic.Now please tell me that when will I changed water again???and how much I have to wait???and unfortunately anti bacterial food is unavailable here ): Will my fishes will be cured???

I do not know what medication you are using. Just follow the directions on the packaging. It will tell you how often to give it to the fish, when to do water changes, and how much water to remove. As for if they will be cured, I cannot say. Usually, by the time you see pop eye, whatever is wrong with the fish has been going on for quite some time. Some people have been able to cure their fish and others will not. It just depends on the fish.