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My red veil tail female bettta

23 15:34:21

she is plump and i can see her egg chute but she dosent have the verticale stripes. my bettas seem very interested in each other and he has a bubble nest can she breed now or wait


I hope that you are ready for the breeding. It takes a lot of time, patients and money. Make sure you have the tanks ready to move all the males to. Remember, 1 male per tank. She can lay up to 500 eggs. If only half are male, you will need 250 tanks, 250 heater, 250 sponge filters and all the live food to feed them 4 to 5 times a day for 5 months. If she is not showing the vertical lines then no she is not ready. Make sure the heater in the 10 gallon breeding tank is set for 82 degrees and that there is no more than 5 inches of water. Make sure the sponge filter is set up but not on. You will turn it on the day you remove the male from the tank. Make sure you are there the whole time the female is in the tank with the male. DO NOT leave them alone or you will come back to a dead fish. Breeding can take anywhere from 2 hours to 3 days. DO NOT feed either one if they are in the breeding tank together. Place her in your hurricane lamp cover inside the breeding tank. That way the two can see each other. When you see the signs, which you should know what they are if you did the research, remove the lamp cover and let her swim in the tank with the male. Like stated above stay with them. Do not leave them alone together. Once they have bred, remove the female and take care of her as per breeding directions.