Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > GUPPY BABIES!!


23 16:44:27

I have a 2 gallon tank with 12 baby guppies that are two and three weeks old (Two different moms gave birth a week apart and were pregnant when I got them. ).  I have heard that if you don't seperate them by 6 weeks old, they are capable of breeding...and I'm not ready for that.  When and how will I know to seperate them before they start mating? I'm a first time guppy!

Hey Mindy,

Typically, in a 2 gallon tank, if a 6 week old guppy tries to mate, it'd end up becoming far to stressful to carry out the pregnancy and would result in either the death of the fry, or a premature abortion. Either way, i wouldn't consider this to be a vast problem that needs correction. In the event a female attempts a young breeding, the few (less then 10) fry she births usually dont live. So, rest easy knowing that all is well! I used to fret over little things too when i bred my guppies but in time you'll realize that its not as complicated as it seems. Best wishes, and good luck.