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Discus / Barbs

23 15:42:58

I recently received some 3 rosy long finned barbs and 2 gold ones that I bought over the internet, fish came healthy everything was fine until I noticed that its been almost two weeks now that, I have had them w/ my Discus/tetras/rams and they seem to be aggressive towards these fish especially at feeding time fighting w/ my discus!
Well to make long story short last night I took out two rosy barbs the most aggressive ones that I saw? My question? Aren't they all suppose to get long as what someone had told me when I added the barbs or should I take out other 3 (2-females 1-male) left in fish tank also?

Hi Yanel

Barbs should not be in a tank with Discus. They are too active and aggressive for a Discus tank. I would setup another tank for the Barbs and remove them from the Discus tank asap. Discus actually do better in a tank setup just for them.

Hope this helps, good luck!
