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rainbow crabs

23 15:57:18

hi i hope you may be able to help i recently bought my son some crabs and the garden center i purchased them from said all the info i need would be on the net. i have 2 cameroon rainbow crabs and one of them has shed its skin and now looks very pale and just seems to hide. this crab was always on the rocks and spent most of its time out of the water but now just hides under the rocks in the water. is there any food it may need other than prawns and smelt ? this is what we were told to feed them and now wondering weather this is correct. any help or info would be greatly received. many thanks

That should be fine, when they shed they do tend to hide as I would think they are more sensitive at that point, almost more vulnerable I'd give it a few days.  Most crabs will go for any food they are more so scavengers as long as there is food in the tank they will find it and make do.  That should be fine. Good luck with them!