Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > follow up

follow up

23 15:35:27

Hi again Renee,

Sorry for starting a new question, but apparently I had responded too many times to the last thread. :)

I just wanted to follow up with you on a couple things.  First I wanted to let you know that the molly seems much calmer now, and the catfish more active, which I assume is a good thing and due to the salt, heat and company.

I just wanted to make sure that I'm supposed to be continuing with the daily water changes every day until about 3 weeks from now when I can move one of them back into the main tank, right?

Also, what is your opinion on adding more fish to the community tank?  How long should I wait and should I add one at a time?  I was thinking about going with some guppys and maybe swordtails, and keeping the molly separated in the hospital tank until I either find him a new home or create a brackish tank for him and other mollys.  I'll do some research on other brackish fish.

Thanks again for all your help.  The fish and I are so much happier and less stressed since you entered the picture. :)


Hi Desiree,

Yes, continue changing the little tank's water partially, daily, til they go back home.  This is because there cannot possibly be ample filtration in there for them, but it's worth it.:)

When you return the fish, it would be nice to give them some companions.  Forgive me if I can't locate your original question and so I don't recall the size of your tank (I answer so many questions), however, remember the 1" of fish per gallon, unless it's a plecostamus or a goldfish which require very, very big spaces.  Angelfish too.

In 3 weeks when you add the new fish back to the old tank, you can begin by putting the fish you have already back in.

When introducing new fish this time, put them in the tank that's for hospitalization for 2 weeks before putting them in with your community of fish.  So you may want to buy them 2 by 2 so you can watch them for diseases.  Often, parasites won't show for around 10 days after purchase.  It would again cause your entire tank to go to waste if a new fish brought a disease home.

Utilize your hospital tank, meantime, and it will be a good utility tank to have around.

You are very welcome.  I am so glad to hear they are improving.  :)
