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alge problems

25 9:20:04

I have  a 30 gallon tank with a red eared slider turtle and several minnows in it.  Two risers with carbon filters and one of those aquarium lights that does not promote plant growth... I use an alge conditioner and change the water weekly, yet I still have alot of alge growing on the walls and "art objects" in the tank.  I have bought three different placostomus ( alge eaters) and unfortunately, the turtle keeps eating them...any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you for your time, Mary


Don't worry, a little algae is normal in your tank... and getting a lot of it can be normal too.

If you want to control your algae problem, here's what I suggest...

Make sure your tank is not in any direct sunlight. This could cause too much algae growth. Do 10% water changes weekly. Syphon your gravel with a gravel vacuum (purchased from pet stores). On occasion, rub your plastic plants leaves with your fingers to get some algae off of them. Finally, clean your glass often with an algae scrubber.

All this will help keep your algae problem under control. Other then that, keep doign what your are doing and good-luck!

from Stephanie