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bent fish disease?

23 17:02:25


      I just want to know for future reference. One of my fish had a very bent spine. He was completely bent over like someone just cracked him in half. None of the other fish was like him. Everything in the tank is just fine, water chemistry, filtration everything. i treated with aquarium salt and STRESSCOAT. There really is no medication that will cure this. Is it just a muscle spasm? In all my years of aquarium keeping I have never had a problem like this. Do you have any idea what it is? Thanks for any help.

Hi Jack,
It is possible for other fish to have a disease called Neon Tetra Disease. In advanced stages it can cause a curved spine. Early symptoms of this disease is loss of colour and erratic swimming behaviour. This disease is incurable and the fish usually dies a slow painful death.

The other problem could have been a deformity of the spine. In this case, the parents could have passed it onto their young whilst having this deformity.
