Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > add more fish?

add more fish?

23 16:38:22

I have a 55 gallon tank fully cycled now with 6 comets (3 inches long) and 13 white cloud minnows.  I wonder, can I add more fish for more activity...if yes, what type and how many?
Also, I just added plastic plants 2 days ago and they seem scared of going near them...will this improve?
Thank you.

Hi Lori
I wouldn't add any more to the tank.  Those comets will most likely grow to be about 13-18+ inches, they grow rather large :)  Right now it's not overstocked, but once those goldfish start growing, and the white clouds grow to about 2 inches, it'll be really pushing it.  Be sure to do frequent water changes to keep the water quality good, and if you have 1 filter on the tank, give some thought to adding a second filter, preferably a canister filter.  The extra filtration won't hurt.

For the plants, they probably just need to get used to them.  They're probably just trying to figure out what they are :)  Give them a few more days.

Hope that helps, and if you have more questions, please ask!
