Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick upside catfish?

Sick upside catfish?

23 16:38:21

QUESTION: Our upside cat is usually zipping around the tank.
However, this evening, he is at the bottom of the tank just kind of sitting there.  He is sort of fluttering his fins a little.  I don't see anything from his gills or anything.  I am worried as this is unsual for him.  Will he be o.k?

ANSWER: Hi Janis
It's hard to say.  Do you have a test kit?  If so, what's the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates reading?  If not, I'd suggest buying one that tests those.  He may be having a reaction to the water quality.

If you have the test kit, test the water first, otherwise go ahead and try doing a water change and see if that helps any.  The reason for testing the water first, if it is a water quality issue, that'll give you a more accurate reading then if you test it after doing the water change.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi!  Thank you for your prompt response!  He is o.k. today; right after I e-mailed you I tested the water and it is the same.  Here on Marco Island,FL, the water is always hard but the nitrates and nitrites are the same.

When I fed the fish this evening, he showed up and was his usual self, swimming around and upside down.

Again, thank you for your care and quick response. I appreciate that!  

Hi Janis
Oh it's no problem and you're welcome :)  That's good he's back to normal, just keep an eye on him for any strange symtpoms returning.

One thing I didn't mention, make sure the ammonia and nitrites are reading 0 ppm, and try to keep your nitrates under 20 ppm.  Any amount of ammonia or nitrites present can and will stress fish, and eventually kill them.

Good luck and let me know if you have more problems!
