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Amazon Tank

23 16:09:52

I am beginner at raising tropical fish but I have been to the Amazon River twice and would like an aquarium of only fish native to that region. The health and safety of my fish comes first so I want to make sure everything is right for then. I have researched on the Internet and want 6 Silver Dollars, 4 Corys and a few Neon Tetras(for added color)and lots of artificial plants and rocks so they can hide.Can I get by with 55 gallon tank or do I need 75? Will these fish be compatible? Any suggestions on any other fish I could add such as Algae eaters or other catfish?

Hello Charles,

I think you could get by using a 55 gallon tank however it is always better to have a bigger tank, because this brings disease possibility down as well as alot of other things related to tank size. And also all of those fish you talked about are community tank fish which well go great together. A good fish I like in tropical tanks that eats algae and stuff like that would be a pictus catfish. They are fairly small but keep the bottom clean and the algae and everything cleaned off great.

Michael M.