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How to take care of Christy,Mr.Krabs,Ben,and Antonio?

23 16:20:54

Dear David,
How do I take care of Christy,Mr.Krabs,Ben,and Antonio?
Please give me instructions of taking care of these Ghost Shrimps also know as Grass Shrimps or Glass Shrimps.
Christy is pregnant.Will she lay eggs under the leafy plastic plants?
A male betta lives with them.
He does not pick on them nor the snail.
He is a calm fella.
How can I take care of them?
Does Christy need to go to the pet hospital?

Hi Samuel: Ghost shrimp are great pets and should only be kept with small community fish such as guppies, etc. They are scavengers and as such are really good at cleaning the bottom of tanks. Ghost shrimp can adapt to most water conditions. The best care is to provide them in well established tanks, where they have plenty of food to graze on. They are sensitive to medications containing copper sulfate. They do well in well planted tanks with some algae growth. Temp 60-85 degrees.  They will find their own food on the bottom. Feed flake food or brine shrimp once a day.  They do occasionally lay eggs. The eggs can be seen in pregnant females. If you want to breed them keep a group of 6 or more by themselves in a well planted tank.