Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > INSTRUCTIONS


23 16:20:54

Dear Karen,
How do I take care of Christy,Mr.Krabs,Ben,and Antonio?
Please give me instructions of taking care of these Ghost Shrimps also know as Grass Shrimps or Glass Shrimps.
Christy is pregnant.Will she lay eggs under the leafy plastic plants?
A male betta lives with them.
He does not pick on them nor the snail.
He is a calm fella.
How can I take care of them?
Does Christy need to go to the pet hospital?

Hi Samuel!
Christy should be moved into a fishbowl or small tank of her own while she is still carrying the eggs. Its better if the babies are raised by themselves in a bowl. Provide some plastic plants for the babies to hide in. Once the eggs hatch, the mother ghost shrimp should be removed. The babies are so tiny they need special small food. Baby brine shrimp (you can find this at petstores in the frozen fish food section) You can also hatch your own brine shrimp quite easily and the supplies again can be found at your local petstore. You can also feed whats called "Liquifry" which is a liquid food intended for baby fish.

Keep in mind often the ghost shrimp babies can be hard to raise and there is not a lot of info available on the care of the young. They are actually easier raised in small outdoor ponds where there exists a greater abundance of food.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!