Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > red wag sick

red wag sick

23 16:41:17

Hi Rachel,
  I have had my 55 gal. tank set up for about a year. I have lost a few for Mollies total. one silver one died of a pop-eye at the fish hospital. the other silver one died the day after i took the first one off. one black molly died for unknown reason, and the last black molly has seem to disappear. I can not find it anywhere. now here i am, 2 months later. everything was going fine. now my red wag is hanging around the bottom. he looks flat on the bottom and his back look more curved. the water was tested and everything was perfect. he swim to the top and drops to the bottom. what's going on? should i separate him from the rest. please help.
   Mrs. lost-and-confused

To be completely honest, I am not sure what the problem would be. Does he have any other signs of disease or parasite like spots, bumps, films, or darting on rocks or decor? If not, I have no clue and would definately advise asking another expert. I am sorry I could not be of more assistance. Let me know if you have any more comments or question.