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Fresh Food & Ick Medicine

23 15:57:14

Hello - One of our tanks is a 20 gallon with about a six inch pleco, two platys, two tetras, and two cherry barbs.  We just noticed the tetras have some ich spots so we ran out and got Ick Clear, which has victoria green and acriflavine as the ingredients.  Here's our question.  At night we always leave out lettuce or zuccini for the pleco.  It is always gone the next morning.  Do we need to suspend placing the fresh veggies in the tank for the pleco while we treat for the ick?  Thanks!  Fred

Hello Fred,

I well be answering your question because the other fish experts didnt get to your question in a timely manner.

So your fish should do just fine with the food even though you have added the Ick treatment. Also be carefull for how long you let the fresh food sit in the water because it releases organic matter into the tank which bacteria as well as parasites love. And ick being a parasite I would only let the fresh food sit in the tank for an hour or two. Also to help get rid of ick I would suggest turning the Temp. In the tank up to 76 degrees by raising the temp 1 degree an hour. Also it is a good idea to add 1/2 a tablespoon of salt for every 2 gallons. All of those steps should help clear up the ick in a short period of time.

Sorry for the other experts not getting to your question and im glad I can help.

Exp. Michael M.