Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > overcrowded?


25 9:02:18

Hi Karen,

My name is John, i have a 55 gallon tank and 10 gallon tank w/ 2tiger barbs & 2albino tiger barbs, and pleco. Now here's my concern about my 55 gallon tank, In my 55gallon, i have 1 bala shark(4-5inch), 1 columbian cat(3-4inch), 1 pleco(4inch),1 brown knife fish(6inch), 4black skirt tetras(.5-1 inch), and i recently added 2pink gouramis (1.3inch), 3 sunsent gouramis(.5-1.2inch) and 1 Honey Dwarf Gourami(1.5inch). now i have this feeling that i'm overcrowding my tank but i have less ornaments that are in the tank which gives them a lot of space, however, i want to put 2more pink gouramis and 1 blue dwarf gourami in addition to them for a perfect symmetry. Usually my knife and catfish are just hiding the whole time the light is on, Therefore, my other fish has a lot of swimming space for them, but do you think its overcrowded already? they seem to be fine, and all the gouramis are active so far. my pleco is very active for a nocturnal fish. what do you think?
tnx advance for the advice karen
sincerely, John

Dear John,
Well, I would say you are likely fine with what you have now. Since most of your fish are somewhat small to very small they shouldn't put out too much bioload. You will want to be sure and test your nitrates regularly to be sure they don't get too high (ideally never above 20). It's best if you test before each of your weekly/twice weekly water changes to insure the current frequency and percentage is adequate. And you should also take note as to how happy the fish are...Are they behaving naturally and showing good color and readiness to eat all the time?

I am a bit worried about some of your fish outgrowing your 55gal in the near future. The bala shark can reach 14 inches on many occasions. And the Colombian shark is well known to reach a foot when well cared for. Colombians also require brackish water as they get older...While young they can live in freshwater. But when they get older they have been known to develop dangerous skin conditions if not kept in brackish (a mixture of synthetic sea water and freshwater) water. I have also personally seen many Plecostomus whom were well over 1 foot long before and these fish would be crowded in a 55gal. I'm sorry to say all these bad things about these fish but unfortunately it is the truth.

I believe you may be fine now but please take into consideration the needs of your Colombian shark as he grows bigger. I have seen the skin conditions they get and it's just terrible. Also take into consideration the eventual size of your bala shark and pleco.

Otherwise, your gouramis should be just fine and thriving in your aquarium. I don't think there will be any harm in adding 2 more pink gouramis and 1 blue dwarf as long as they don't fight with the others (it's a risk you take with Gouramis)

Well, I really hope this helps! And feel free to write with anymore concerns...

Best wishes,