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pleco paleness

23 15:34:07

Hello, i recently got a plecosumus as a gift from my sister i have no filtration at said moment but i am in the process of buying one my plecosumus was dark colored but is now pale with pink around its mouth it is a rubber lipped plecosumus. i also have a goldfish in the tank it is at least 4 to 5 times the plecos size the size of my tank is 25 gallons i feed the pleco algae pellets and notice they are gone almost every time i feed the pleco within about 3 to 4 hour time period they are dropped behind a bottle where the pleco hide and cant be reached by the goldfish. I would appreciate a quick response as my fish might be on the ropes right now any help would be great thanky you!


Hi Michael,

It doesn't sound good.  The pleco requires heat in the aquarium and filtration, whereas the goldfish does not.

This is a fast, short answer, but it will save his life.  Add a filter and heater today!  Asap, my friend.  He's going to have a very short life without one. :)

Plecos are from moving streams.  They don't do well in non-moving water.

Happy fish-keeping and I will cross my fingers for the pleco.