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Salt content

25 9:12:00

Hi Karen i would like to know how much salt per gallon or litre to add to my tank as i am getting several different answers off friends etc. I have a 19 gallon tank and currently keep tropical fish guppies,gouramis,tetras,angelfish etc. I have a hydometer but as i add salt it does not seem to rise at all and i am worried about how far to go with adding salt. Any advise would be appreciated..


Dear Tony, Allow me to apologize for responding so late. Things have been very busy here...

I know this was probably not what you wanted to hear--but I don't use salt. Now many aquarists swear by it, but it is not necessary in most circumstances. Lots and lots of fishkeepers I know of (and I am one of them!) don't use salt unless under certain circumstances. Salt is beneficial in ways when a fish is ill or stressed. Salt can hamper some parasitic growth, improve gill function and overall stress. But I tend to only use it under these situations when it would be called for the most.
But otherwise my aquariums stay salt free, and the fish thrive and spawn in it. So it's not really necessary in every aquarium despite what many books or other aquarists may say.

I would use it as a side-treatment with medications when a fish is ill or severely stressed. Remember water changes are best when fish are behaving stressed.

The reason your Hydrometer doesn't measure your salt readings is probably because it is made to measure actual marine conditions more so. Just like Marine pH test kits are not suitable for freshwater because the Marine test has a limited but much higher range than what freshwater goes by. You would have to add quite a bit of salt to get even a tiny reading. Again, I would just insure your 19 gallon aquarium is always stable in terms of water chemistry and water changes are never neglected, with this, your fish will thrive.

Best wishes and I really hope this helps!