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Stay in the corner

23 16:06:41

Im not sure what breed the goldfish i have in the office are. But they are
white and gold in color (they have been brought in only a few days back).

Let give a general outline: the tank we have is in the floor and is painted
black. We have a cycling fresh cold water flow. There is no lighting except for
the office lights. There are no plants etc placed in the tank yet, just a few

Problem: the fish dont seem sick or anything. just that they stay in a corner
right below the stairs in the dark. Is it possibly they are sick or is this a
normal behavioural tendency.


Hi Gautam,
Its possible they may be sick or stressed. Most likely stressed. I would try to test their water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates if possible. Water pollution problems are the biggest cause to fish stress and loss.

Your test levels should be as follows- Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate- under 20. If this tank is a recent setup, it likely has not cycled yet or established the beneficial bacteria that are so important to keep the dangerous ammonia and nitrite down.

They also feel insecure in such a barren tank. Some extra plants/hiding places would definitely help them out in that area.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!