Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Neuts got something?

My Neuts got something?

23 16:41:08

Yeah I bought two neuts. when I got home i noticed he was missing 3 of his fingers and there is white stuff on his hand.. not sure what it could be or if a chunk of his hand is frekin missing? is there anything i can do to help him i feel bad he doesnt use his hand. I just wanted to know because i was at the pet store and saw some kind of bottle that said it kills parasites and helps cell growth...???

Hi Jennifer;

I am not an expert in Newts but I can tell you that you should not use fish medicines on him unless it specifically says it's safe for amphibians. He doesn't have a parasite so don't use the medicine you saw at the fish store. He was probably bitten by another newt or by a fish and it may be infected. The good news is that newts and salamanders can grow their toes back. You will have to consult with amphibian experts about treating him though. Here is a link to their page;

I hope your little friend feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins