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Is my betta dying

23 17:02:02


I have a male betta that I have had for a couple months now.  I am worried that he might be dying.  He has not eaten anything for at least a week.  Usually when I feed him he is at the top waiting and if not by the time I drop the food in he is there to get it.  Now I drop the food in and he doesn't even come to it.  He just stays in the plants and doesn't move around alot.  When I do touch the tank he darts like he is on speed or something all over the tank then to the top like he is getting air.  I have noticed him floating almost on his side now.  This morning I checked on him and noticed one of his fins at the bottom of the tank.  The temp is between 76 and 78.  I just cleaned the tank out two days ago and put new water in it yesterday again.  

Things do not look good for your betta. With the mention of him loosing fins there is a good chance he may have fin rot, which would need to be treated with a medication. If you have your betta in any tank smaller than a 10 Gallon medicating is going to be very difficult. Being he has not eaten in a week is not a good sign either as their stomachs are the size of their eye typically. If you have at least a ten gallon tank you can go and get medication for the fin rot and attempt to treat it. Medicating is stressfull for fish, you may want to add some stress coat to ease some of the stress. Best of luck...