Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Baby cichlids

Baby cichlids

23 16:17:09

QUESTION: Hi. We're new to having cichlids and since last night have some baby cichlids also. We have a 55 gallon tank, 10 cichlids, african cichlids (don't know exact names), all range in size from about 1 1/2 inches (smallest doesn't seem to grow) up to about 3 inches.  We've been checking the chemistry levels (in range), temperature is about 78 degrees, we do a weekly water change (including gravel vacuum) and have had the tank set up since mid March.

We lost a couple of cichlids (one had bloat), the others we're not sure. One was thought to have had babies in her mouth, we moved her to a 10 gallon tank and she died.  Recently two other cichlids were carrying babies (and we could see them in the mouth). The yellow cichlid was moved to a tank last night and we actally found some baby cichlids hiding in the rocks - we moved them also.  The blue cichlid didn't have them in her mouth anymore, I found a few in the rocks and moved them.  

Should I move the blue cichlid in the tank with the yellow cichlid and her babies?  All of the baby cichlids are together in the tank (including the blue ones).  We only have one 10 gallon tank - did not expect babies.  I finally saw the blue cichlid eating this morning - belly is kind of sunken in.  I don't know if she ate her other babies or if the other cichlids did.  

What do you suggest I do?  Keep the yellow cichlid and all babies in tank together?  Put both female cichlids together in tank with babies?  I don't know and need all the help I can get :)

Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Pearl:  Cichlids will sometimes eat their young if they think they are in danger... This is especially true with mouth brooders.  The babies are fine by themselves and do not need the parents to be with them.  They have probably had a great number of babies and some or most of them were eaten by other fish... which is why they were hiding in the rocks.  You can put the parents back into the 55 Gallon tank and feed the babies about 4 times a day. I would use microworms or crushed up flake food and baby brine shrimp.... So just separate the babies and put them all in the same take together and then move the parents back to the main tank... the two mothers will fight if you leave them in the tank with the babies.

hope this helps...dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The female fish that had the babies were doing fine, but it looks like the yellow one is dying now.  She's being pushed around by the bubbles.  The other fish had been picking on her also, so I'm not sure what happened. I have pictures to see if it may be fin rot or something like that. Is there somewhere I can send the pictures?

you have to separate the two females or one will kill the other one.  They are trying to protect their babies and this is the way of cichlids.  She needs to be in a tank by herself until she is better. She is weak and she needs to rest or the other fish will kill her.  dave