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Siamese fighting fish!

23 16:37:05

i am thinking about buying a Siamese fighting fish in a few days.But i cant find many sites with info about what things you will need i have a list of things but if you could suggest anything please do. Also i have been to a lot of sites and they say different amounts of water to keep your fighter in please help!!!

Hello Estelle. A betta can be in a bowl, or a small tank. It can also be in a big tank, but its all up to you. The water level should be at the top, and i would suggest a small tank, with a lid on top. Betta's are known to jump out of the their homes, and you don't want to find him on floor one day. So its best to just get that type of tank, and the water level doesn't really matter, its the lid that matters. For food I would suggest bloodworms (because bettas are meat eaters as well) and some Betta Flakes. Some bettas don't like betta flakes, or betta pellets, but all of them like bloodworms. If you live in a cold place, and or don't have a heater in your house, its best to get a heater for the tank. Betta's like warm water, and live better in warm water. The temp. should be around 70*-80 degrees. I hope this helps.
