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Flower horn fish is not active

23 15:26:02

Hi there,

I got a new babay flowerhorn fish 3 days ago and what is happened is the fish is not active at all . Lies at the bottom of the filter and is not eating as well . What should i do to make him active . I had an albino oscar earlier . This is my first flowerhorn .

Hi there,
Definitely have the water tested for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The levels should be as follows- ammonia- 0 nitrite-0 nitrate-20 or less.

Your flower horns behavior definitely sounds like there is a pollution problem. Try doing a 50% water change until you can get your water tested.

Also, flowerhorns, like most cichlids can become very shy when introduced into a new environment. It may take days or even a couple of weeks until the cichlid feels confident enough to come up and around. Also, some cichlids need other confident bold fish swimming in the tank to make them want to swim around. These are called 'dither fish' and can be any sturdy, somewhat large non-cichlid species that swims in a school like barbs for example.

For now make sure the water is safe. Do an emergency water change and see how he does.

Best of luck i hope this helps!