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Betta with some damage

23 16:29:45

Hi there,

I am having sort of a fish emergency because I had been keeping my betta and my chinese algae eater in a 10 gallon tank together (which I now really regret doing), and, for a week, they seemed to actually enjoy eachother's company and not cause any problems at all. I had kept a careful eye on them until I was away over night. Sure enough, I came back to my betta having some light discoloration on his head and a problem swimming. He is respirating hard and swimming in circles. It is probably too late, but I have isolated him from the chinese algae eater. This chinese algae eater is a nuisance. He also appears to have minimal damage on his face. I think they have been fighting while I have gone. What can I do to help my betta? My boyfriend was concerned that he may be bleeding.

Also, can a chinese algae eater survive without a filter in a bowl like a betta? I need to make a new environment for him so that he can be alone. Forever.

Thank you so much, and happy holidays!

Anna F,
algae eaters are known for rasping the scales off fish, that is what they do unfortunatly, and it is mostly off slower moving fish and it usually occurs at nite.
Now, if you want an algae eater get a otocinclus cat.
They are usually not a problem and they stay small as well.
The algae eater may survive in a bowl but I would not recomend it, talk to your pet shop and see if you can trade him back in, if thats not doable, gift him to someone.
I would add a little stress coat to the water and hope for the best with the beta as there is no way to tell what is going on with him there may be more than we can see.
If possible keep him warm, 80 would be good.
If you have further questions, just ask.