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ghost knife fish

23 15:57:05

hello nathan, hope u can help me,i went to my local p/s. for some aquarium tonic, fish are fine just want to make sure their stays that way,but was advised to use king british disease clear.i have noticed my betta as a nasty graze on its head i think my paradise fish as had go at it.
the question is is it alright use it with me have gkf in the tank. i just what to keep my aquarium in tip top shape.
i just want to stop athing happening before it starts
i've only got the one tank 180L.the pet shop said put betta in abowl on the window sill then treat it.i live in the uk and do'nt have realy hot weather.
thank you

Hi Ray,

Your question is a bit jumbled up. I'll try to answer all your questions, but if I missed one, then don't hesitate to contact me again.

1) If your Betta has an open wound, then treating with a light dose (half dose) of an antibacterial medication will prevent an infection. Also, adding a slime coat enhancer will help recovery, such as Stress Coat by API.

2)No, you could not have a Ghost Knife Fish in a tank with a Betta. Chances are, it will pick on it due to the long fins. It may eventually kill it (and possibly your other fish). Black Ghosts are best kept as an individual, with large fish.

3)Don't put a Betta in a bowl. Never. It will die from ammonia poisoning from the bowl faster than it will die from a disease. Bowls are not suitable for any fish, for any length of time. The waste they produce will poison them without a presence of a filter. The best way would be either

a)Put him in a bucket of no less than 2.5 gallons, with a small filter running (put a bit of the original tank's gravel in to introduce the beneficial bacteria)

b)Keep him in the main tank, but use an aquarium divider (found at most fish stores) to separate him

c)If you don't have access to either, but him in a large bucket, and do 20% water changes every day, until he recovers.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!