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swordtail babies

23 16:24:48

Hi Chris,my swordtail just had babies, i was able to save 3 from the mouths of the other fish i now have them in a breeders net, in the tank, but they dont look like they are doing to well, is there anyhting I can do to help these little things along

Hi Maggie;

It isn't very comfy in there for them and they are probably very scared from being out in the open so much. The best place for them is in a little "baby grow-out" tank. For three of them to get big enough for the main tank one day, you only need a 5 gallon tank. Just put in a heater, sponge filter, and lights. Add live plants for them to hide in and nibble on too. Anacharis, java moss, cabomba, are all good ones for babies. It is best not to add gravel or rocks to your baby tank. The little fellas can get stuck in it and the gravel gets too dirty because babies need several feedings a day. It can take several weeks for babies to grow big but if you change 25% of the water every day and feed very small feedings of crumbled up fish food flakes 3 or more times a day, they will grow pretty fast. Siphon waste from the bottom every day too.

Once they triple in size from birth they are probably ready to go in with the parents again. Just be sure they are bigger than the mouths of your largest fish, whatever kind they are.

Good luck and have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins