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My Gouramis and Iridescent Shark have puffed Eyes? Please Help!

23 16:21:57

Hi, i just got a 10 gallon tank about a week ago. I have 2 Dwarf Gouramis(2in each), 1 Iridescent Shark(3in), And two small Catfish(2in). They all have Ick which i am treating them for, I'm using a blue tablet that i put in and it dissolves. They don't seem to be getting better!!! Please Help... the gouramis keep going to the bottom of the tank and they don't move. Also they swim to the top very slow and try to eat when theres no food. Kind of like there getting air. Also one of the gouramis are eating at the other one.  And my shark just swims around and also he (sleeps) up strait. Which i don't know if thats good? They all have puffed eyes and sort of gray mouths! Can you please help me quick??? I really don't want them to die.

Hi Cassandra,
Sorry to hear about your fish...

Ick treatment usually takes 2-3 weeks until the fish are finally better and every last ick parasite is gone. Make sure to continue treatment for at least 2 weeks even if the spots dissappear on your fish. This could only mean the parasites are actually down in the gravel multiplying.

The gouramis sound like they are definitely stressed, which of course is not surprising. All fish have trouble when a medication is in the water. Even though its meant to help them, it still puts stress on the poor fellas.

Also, medications almost always destroy the beneficial bacteria colonies or the 'biofilter' as its commonly called in the tank. Without this being present, ammonia from fish wastes build up. So not only do fish have to deal with the disease itself, but also medication, and poor water quality.

Sounds like the puffed eyes could be a secondary infection. Do they look like this?

Secondary infections are common with ick. The ick weakens their immune system so they are very open to other illnesses. Popeye can also be caused by poor water conditions as well.

Sounds like you may need to treat with two different medications that are both compatible with each-other. Mardel makes excellent medication that most all of it can be combined safely together.

I would recommend "Maracide" by Mardel, for the ICK and "Maracyn-two" for the secondary infection.

Also make sure-
*Temperature is consistently at 84F (best for immune system and it also helps deter the ick and speed up their life cycle)
*Add extra aeration... (Making sure your filter is running at its best and creating plenty of surface movement helps. But adding an airpump and airstone is wonderful.)
*Change 50% of the tank water everyday. (This really helps relieve the stress on the fish and it removes excess parasites free swimming in the water. Always make sure the replacement water is treated with a good water conditioner and the temperature is equal to that of your aquarium's.)

I really hope this helps and Best of luck!