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my love heart shape parrot fish not eating

23 15:42:18

i have two parrot fish one is yellow jellybean fish and one is red heart shaped parrot fish my red heart shaped parrot fish not eating since last last 3 days and he/she always be at the same place of the bowl my bowl size approx to 10 to 15 liter i have a bubble maker in that bowl and use anti chlorine and methylene blue in my water so what is the prob with my red parrot?

Hi there,
Your fish need larger living areas. I would get them at least around an 110 liter tank with a power filter.

Small bowls become polluted very fast and the fish quickly become ill and do not want to eat due to the unhealthy living conditions.

Bowls also are too small to be heated. And these fish need warm tropical temperatures. So a tank with a heater to keep their water steadily warm is vital.

So the best thing to do is get a larger tank as soon as possible. At the moment do a large water change on their bowl to help them. Make sure new water is treated with water conditioner and the temperature is the same as their old water.

You may have to repeat these water changes everyday to keep them from becoming dangerously ill.

Also, the fish you have are Hybrids and they are often artificially colored through a stressful process and this can cause them to be more prone to illness and generally be weak. So special care must be taken to ensure they have the best living conditions possible to help with their already fragile immune system.

One note too, I wouldn't bother with putting in the medication. It is unnecessary and could be stressing them more.

I do hope this helps!