Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my fish has lost both eyes, can it still live ?

my fish has lost both eyes, can it still live ?

25 9:09:34

hi. thanks for reply. so if i keep it on its own with the correct water treatments and feeds. it could still lead a normal life. you say about not over feeding, but how do i know if its feeding enough. as its blind.craig

Followup To

Question -
hi, i have a small coldwater fancy little fish ( cant remenber name ) in the tank it has lost both of its eyes due to a large fantail being nasty. the large one has now been removed. the eyeless fish is now on its own. could this fish now live a "normal" life even blind ?please help with answer.thanks craig

Answer -
Hi Craig,
Thank you for your letter. This hobby is one of the most difficult - ever. To answer your question, yes, your fish can live a normal life. Often, those fish hurt their eyes because of living in curved bowls. Anyway, also beware of over feeding. Please print out and read my page for holistic aquarium care:
Write back if you wan to discuss further,

Hi Craig,
Your fish can definitely live a normal life. Just feed 2 - 3 flakes per square inch of fish per day.
Read more about it on my page:
Print it out for future reference.
Best to you. This hobby is not for the weak of heart. It's life and death! That's why I volunteer.
Write back if you have further questions or observations.