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sand storm

25 9:02:21

set up new tank forgot to clean gravel have miniture sand storm . have three small filters going for three weeks. do i have to empty fish tank and refill or will this clear up in time. thank you  

Hi Nell;

If there are already fish in it, it's best not to drain it out or it will shock the fish. Make a series of partial water changes while lightly vacuuming the gravel. Even a daily change of 25% for a few days isn't too much. You just don't want to do a whole tank change all at once if there are fish.

Are you sure it isn't from "New Tank Syndrome" too? Cloudy water is very common during that time and kind of does look like a 'foggy sandstorm'. Here is more about it;

If there are no fish in the tank yet, drain it out, refill part way a couple of times and drain. Or just take the gravel out to rinse.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins