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just new in her

23 16:22:34

i was just reading in here about how to clean the algy off the inside of the glass,pretty interesting, i was using the grren spongy thing, but have sone that i cant get off, i am clean my tank about every 3 weeks is that often enough, no i dodnt take all water, it is a 40 gallon tank, plus a heater, i have 15 fish in there, would the tank be geetin dirty from feedig too much, I will have to get back ta ya after for more questions i have, but just thought i would get in here now and see if i can be helped, tyvm Lynn

Hi Lynn:  you should be cleaning your tank on a weekly basis... 10-15 percent water changes and a good gravel vacuum.  You can use a razor blade or hard plastic scraper to clean hard to remove algae off the glass.  Feed your fish only what they will eat in 3 minutes of time. I feed mine twice per day.  keep me posted... dave