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Convict Cichlid

23 15:34:05

My husband and I are new fish caretakers and we have a 50g tank that has been up and running with fish for two months. we have three convict cichlids 2 females 1 male, two bumblebee cichlids, a peacock sunburst, two blood red parrots and a pleco. The male convict was exhibiting behaviors with the one littlest convict that seemed like mating real protective, moving rocks guarding a area, no breeding ever took place and now it seems the female convict just stays at the top of the tank in one spot hardly eating. We were told to seperate her in a breeding tank just so she could eat and be left alone, we realize we may have a bad choice of stocking after some advise as well but the only answer we have gotten is that the female convict is stressd or intimidated. What do you think? We get our water tested all the time and my husband is very diligent with his water changes. Any thoughts or advise would be great

Hi Nancy,

She's probably feeling pretty bullied.  Are you sure it's a female, not a juvenile male?  If it is, then that is why the other is so territorial against her.  Keep an eye on her.  Move his rocks around and don't let him become territorial over his area.  Maybe they will learn to get along with time. :)  They do kill each other sometimes, so be careful and keep an eye on things.

Congrats on testing water and doing changes!

:)  Happy fish-keeping.