Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > how many Oranda goldfish can you put in a 30 gal tank?

how many Oranda goldfish can you put in a 30 gal tank?

23 16:29:26

hey ! I'm getting a 30 gal tank and love the way Oranda goldfish look. how many can i put in the tank? and what other kind of fish would good with them? could you please help me ? thanks Ronda

Hi Rhonda.  I'm not sure if you know it, but Orandas can get to be on upwards of 12+" long.  They are one of the biggest goldfish.  I personally would only keep 1 in a 30 gallon tank, however, if you are willing to get superior filtration and be diligent in cleaning the tank and doing partial water changes weekly, you can probably be safe getting 2.  I would suggest you get 2 small ones so you will have plenty of time before they start getting cramped in a 30 gallon tank.  Many people keep these fish in ponds also.

It is more important, however, that you properly "cycle" your fish tank before getting ANY type of fish.  Here is an article on how to properly cycle your tank:

Here is also part of that same website that give you info on goldfish:

I would suggest reading these articles prior to getting any fish.  I would also suggest that you fully research the fish that you are interesting in getting, so that when you DO get it you know everything there is to know about them.  Goldfish are NOT easy fish to keep and they require a lot of care.  So do both of you a favor and have as much knowledge possible.

If I can help you out along the way, feel free to write me back!  I would also suggest that you join this forum, as it's a place to ask all of your fish questions to other people who have fish too, it's a very very helpful forum:

Good luck and Happy Holidays!!   ;o)