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community compatibility

23 16:00:56

Is there a compatibility issue with bettas, gouramis(blue, gold or opaline)loaches(khulii,horseface or clown), angelfish(golden or marble), tetras(any kind), barbs(tiger or cherry), plecos(bristlenose) or any combination of those fish in a 29 gallon planted tank?

Dear Jarrod,

  The issues could be endless depending on what exactly you want to mix.  I wouldn't advise putting a betta with any of these fish except maybe tetras, and a pleco.  The barbs will nip the fins of angelfish and will chase the gouramis.  The loach and the pleco sometimes do not get along.  The pleco will outgrow a 29 gallon tank, as will the angelfish.  Angelfish will eat Neon Tetras.  I recently experienced this.  Despite knowing full well that this will happen I added them anyway to a 100 gallon tank and they slowly disappeared and my angels got bigger and bigger.  The barbs can also pick on the plecos.