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Dalmation Molly and some type of Platy

23 16:17:01

I bought my daughter a Molly and a Platy after our guppies died at the advice of a pet store owner.  We only have a small 5.5 gallon tank but he felt this would be fine.  After looking on the internet I am feeling a bit confused as the Platy seems to be a freshwater and the Molly like aquarium salt.  Also I am reading to keep them helthy they need a variety of food live and flakes.  Im just a mom buying fish not an enthusiast so I am desperately searching for some basic information so that I dont have to explain anymore floating fish to my daughter and of course I want to do the right thing by the fish.  Is my tank too small and how do I set up the tank to suit the needs of both fish?  Any help you can give me would be great.

Hello Michelle,

Well that is not really true. The mollys well do fine is just plain normal water, and they just like alot of plants, and both of those fish well be fine if you just feed them the upgraded color flakes. So just keep the water condition good and give them places to hide.. I have the same fish and mine are doing great and all I give them is flakes, I actually breed mollys and have one that is currently having babies (and they do have babies not eggs, same with guppies.)

If you have any other questions feel free to ask,
Michael M.