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An unknown baby in my tank!!!

23 16:56:17

I have a question. I first had one female balloon molly for a time, along with a golden alge eater, which I got as a baby, and I can not determine it's gender. I recently got another balloon molly and the first one died a few days after the arrival of the second one. Now, this morning, I viewed a 1/4 in. long tadpole-like animal swimming on the surface and then dropping to the tank rocks and hiding. It was orange and had two small fins on the side. Can you tell me who's baby it is please?

its probably a baby molly. Most female mollies are bought pregnant, so its no surprise you got a pregnant one.

You can separate the baby and raise it in a different tank, or as some people do just let it stray and possibly a fish will eat it or it will grow up.