Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > is it fungus?

is it fungus?

23 15:42:57

I have a 55gallon tank i set up last wed. and on saturday i went out and bought a pair of jewels but they couldn't sex them cause they were only bought 2"inchs each, so i just pick two, we came back go put them in and then around 7pm i had eggs already, but  they where white, so i left them there thinking they where going to hatch on the 3rd they. (because i read that the unfertile eggs the jewels will eat, so why didnt they eat them?) so on the 3rd i didnt see nothing different so i took it out and clean it, and replace it. but now theres all this fuzzy things all over like on the heater,the air tube, rocks,food, waste. is it fungus? please help me i dont know what to do, this is my first tank.

Hi Lorena,
Quite an experience you encountered with your Jewels!

The fuzzy stuff is usually a type of aquarium mold or fungus that develops where there is excess biomatter for it to thrive on. Once it takes ahold it can start to grow on a lot of things. The best solution is to remove as much as you can off the surfaces whilst siphoning it with a gravel vacuum and also do a 50% water change on the tank.

This may have to be repeated to get rid of whatever is causing the fungus. Also, be careful not to stock with anymore fish until you can be certain (since this is a new tank) that the ammonia and nitrite levels are a safe ZERO. New aquariums lack the 'biofilter' or the beneficial bacteria that keep ammonia at a safe level so you must be careful when stocking it first. Do so gradually. You can also test for ammonia and nitrite and nitrate.

If you're not sure what cycling is. Simply do a little reading on the internet, its a simple process all aquariums must go through.

I do hope this helps!