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Serpae tetra and cory cats?

25 9:09:53


I have a thirty gallon tank currently housing six serpae tetra.  I've been told, and have read, very conflicting things on just how aggressive these fish really are, and I was wondering--

Would the tetra attack corydoras cats?  I've had corys in the past and miss them, but I don't want to risk having them picked on..

Any advice?

The tetras really wouldn't spend enough time close to the bottom of the tank to really bother the cory much. If they are of an espesially large size (tetras can get a little aggressive when they get big) they may get territorial and actually venture down there, but I doubt it. Just try to avoid the teeny tiny baby corys, just in case. Serpae's aren't any more aggressive than any other round-bodied tetras.