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Green Cory

23 16:45:12

I just bought two Green Cory today.  I also have two Cherry Barbs and two Long-Finned Zebra Danio in a 10 gallon tank.  My question is, the Green Cory are acting crazy in the tank.  Is that normal?  They are swimming up and down the sides of the tank and back and forth across the top.  They are acting like they are on steriods or something. They are driving me crazy!!!!  

Dear Karen (Another "Karen" fishkeeper!!)
I'm sorry your Green Cories are driving you crazy!

The Green cories behavior is rather normal. Cories do tend to be a little hyperactive at times, but it's especially so when they've been recently added to a new aquarium or if they smell or sense food is around. Maybe they are exploring their new environment and figuring out exactly where they are. This all should calm down in a couple of days. Just make sure to watch if they start showing signs of stress like clamped fins, very heavy breathing, or any discolorations on their body. There's probably nothing wrong, but we just want to make sure they don't develop some kind of illness, which is something you want to watch for with all new additions to your aquarium.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck with the new Cories!