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Help! Discolored Platy

23 16:16:20

Hello Karen,
I recently went to petsmart and bought a dalamation platy, they looked wellfed and healthy, but once out of the store I noticed tiny orange brown spots all over its body. The platy is active and social with the silver play, swordtail, and goldfish already in my 10g tank. Its seems healthy and the fins and tail look fine, but should I still be concerned???


Hi Kelly,
I've noticed that Dalmation platies do have an tendency to have little speckles of orangy/brown over their already dappled bodies. It shouldn't be any cause for concern, and if it were an illness the platy would be behaving sick like breathing extra fast, scraping and itching himself against rocks and objects, and have clamped fins.

I hope all goes well!